lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2015

Unit 6 Around Town

In this unit we will learn to use "is there" and "are there".
Also use location expressions like "across from" and "outside" among other things also.

Lesson A: Out Shopping.

In this lesson, we learn to ask questions about directions and places in the neighborhood.

for example:

Location Expression.
well here we have expressions that we can use about locations.

Lesson B: Getting Around.

In this lesson we will learn how to give instructions to go places, shops, etc.

Lesson C: Excuse Me?

In this lesson we use excuse me, in dialogues when we do not understand what they want us to ask.

in conversation......

Lesson D: Exploring the city.

Are there any interesting places to walk around your city?
for example.

In Santiago there are interesting places to take a walk.

 Cerro Santa Lucia.

Cerro San Cristobal

Parque Forestal

viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2015

Unit 5 Growing Up

Lesson A: Childhood.

Vocabulary of Years.


2.Talking About the past.

In this dialogue we learned to use "was" "wasn't" "were" "weren't" "did" or "didn't" for example in this dialogue.
talking about of:
"where are they from", "where they were born" and "if they speak languages"

other examples.

Lesson B
Favorites Classes.

In this lesson we learned the languages did you learn in school.

 Brad: He took Spanish last year and so did his friends.

Mirka: Well. years ago, most peoples learned Russian and only a few people took English.
She studies both.

Vocabulary of the Subjects.

Lesson C: Well, Actually.

In this dialogue they speak using: "Well, Actually" and "I mean"

They are using, "actually" to change any ideas on dialogue...
por example:

what taking about?
R: football, well, actually players.

Or, We can also use I mean.

Lesson D.
Teenage years.

In this lesson we talked about teenage years.
things about preferences and tastes, questions and answers.

1. Did You like teachers?

2.Did you enjoy your high school subjects?

Favorite Activities when you were teenage.

my friends and i loved to.....

when i was a teenage i loved..

when i was a teenage i loved....

jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2015


1. I never cold.
2. I never have a headache.
3. I'm always warm.

4. I sometimes cough
5. I sometimes have the flu
6. I sometimes have a stomach ache

Building Vocabulary

I have a fever. I think
I´m getting the flu.

I have a stomachache.

I hardly ever get headaches,
but i have one now.

domingo, 20 de septiembre de 2015

viernes, 28 de agosto de 2015

Conversation skills

Conversation Skill.

1. Have some topics ready to stars a conversation.

for example,
about the weather - places - news - tv show.

2. Make the conversation interesting.
talking about sports - movies.

3. Be a good Listening.
keep eye contact and say....

4.Don´t be boring.
Don't just say, "Yes" or "No'' when you answer a question.
Give some interesting information, too.

5. Don't talk all the time.
Ask, "How about you?
and show you are interested in the  other person, too.

6.Ask information questions.
Ask questions like "What do you do in your free time?" or "What
kind of food do you like?"

7. Be positive.
Negative comments can sound rude. And if you don't want to answer a personal question, simply say, "Oh, I'm not sure I can answer that,11  or "I'd rather not say."

8. Smile.
The smile is important  for any conversation.

Making Conversation.

Conversation skill.

Which of these are good suggestions for social conversations?

for example.

Don´t look at the other person.

pay attention.

look to the eyes.

Strategy plus

Strategy plus.

 You can use  ACTUALLY to give new information.
por example:

Do you come here a lot?
yes, actually i come here very often

or also to correct during talks...

Are you from USA?
well. actually I'm from England.

Do you come here a lot?

To stars a conversation you can use different simple and basic topics.

Question for example:

1. your health.
2. your family.
3. where you live.
4. the weather.


1. how is your health?

I'm fine thanks! and you?
me too...

2. how is your family? still they live in the south?

Very good, thank you, if they still live there.

My Favorites

Building Vocabulary
My Favorites.

1. My favorite weekend activities is "play video games"

2. My Favorite weekend activities is go to the cinema.

3. My Favorites TV shows are "The Simpson" and "The Game of Thrones"

4. My favorites foods is the peruvian food and the mexican food.

5. My favorites clothes are the Jeans and the t-shirts.

Things in common

Responses with too and either.

1. I.m allergic to cats.

2. I watch pro football.

3. I don´t watch much television.